Zcash Founder's Reward Coming to a Close
In a recent poll about Zcash, there are indications of strong community support for mining reward changes. Those changes will go into effect in November 2020. The Zcash Founder's Reward program will end in November. This means that the asset's mining capabilities have come into question. This is per a blog from one of the projects supporters. In the Electric Coin Company blog in January 28, the community vote results were reported.
With a lot of media contacts, the Zcash Foundation had questions about the community's mining payouts for the future. In November, the coin's halving point, the new distribution will take place. That involves 80 percent for miners, 7 percent for the Electric Coin company, 5 percent for the Zcash Foundation and 8 percent for grant programs.
The blog post went on to explain that grant participants will get the largest chunk of development funds. That is intended to decentralize future Zcash reward efforts. There are also new rules coming into play for formal accountability and what each participant has to report.
Zcash also abandoned its old format. The Founder's Reward program was meant to last until 2020. That initial reward structure had Zcash paying 80 percent of its mining rewards to the miners and 15 percent to the founding team, investors and others. The remaining 5 percent was for the Electric Coin Company. The January 28 blog added the pending plan for the new changes for the community's consideration.
Going forward, the Zcash trademark will be held by the Electric Coin Company and the Zcash Foundation together. The agreement states that neither of the two parties can independently declare that a chain of Zcash can go by that name. In the future, the Electric Coin Company and Zcash Foundation have to collaborate on proposals and send them to the community. Those changes would have a November start date. They would also have to wait for the community to join the upgraded rewards program. There were also recent reports about a proposed 12.5 percent Bitcoin Cash mining tax, but that community turned down the proposal for those rule changes.