Will Bitcoin Boom? What Tesla Stock FOMO Can Tell Us.
On June 10, shares of Tesla Motors soared to a new high of $1,027, thus cementing its reputation as a Wall Street darling. Soon after the closing bell, analysts who follow both Tesla and the cryptocurrency markets noticed an interesting correlation: the American automaker now boasts a market capitalization higher than the world's most valuable digital currency.
On the surface, Tesla stock and Bitcoin do not have too much in common. The latter is an investment commodity struggling to achieve circulation as an accepted currency while the former is the world's most successful producer of electric vehicles. What analysts are paying close attention to is trading behavior; both Tesla and Bitcoin investors tend to be younger, and they also seem to follow the "Fear of Missing Out" doctrine.
FOMO has always been a driving factor in financial exchanges and trading, but it has become a prominent phenomenon among investors who seek to profit from the wild gyrations of Silicon Valley trends. In essence, FOMO is pure speculation; for some reason, venture capitalists have flocked to this practice because it has proven true in more than occasion. One of the most legendary FOMO situations unfolded more than a decade ago during the early days of Facebook; since then, FOMO events have resulted in bullish rallies a few times.
What appears to be happening with Tesla is directly related to CEO Elon Musk, a man who seems to enjoy the cult of personality that has developed around him. Musk recently commented on Tesla's plans to design and manufacture an electric tractor trailer; his comments were enticing enough to create a stock rally. This is exactly what analysts believe could happen to Bitcoin, although it is not clear who would emerge as a spokesperson stoking the FOMO fire.
One possible development that could spark a Bitcoin FOMO rally is the growing interest by institutional investors. Even though it is difficult to figure out with certainty how much of the Bitcoin market consists of institutional investors, analysts at Fidelity estimate that participation could be as large as 30%. Once traders start discussing this trend, more individual traders will fear missing out on this opportunity, thus sparking another Bitcoin rally.