Below you will find a list of the 'Biggest Cryptocurrencies' by market capitalization. They are the largest in terms of adoption and volume, but might not be the leading in growth or outlook. 99 Crypto also provides a list of the 'Top Cryptocurrencies' which brings you our staff's favorite up-and-comers in the market, including some you might never have heard about.
Because the below list simply identifies the largest cryptocurrencies, it is not meant to be seen as purchasing, trading, or investing advice, and 99 Crypto is to be held harmless in relation to investments that you make using this or any other information. Remember to perform your own due diligence when making investments with your money.

99 Crypto uses up-to-date market information to bring you detailed info about the 10 best cryptocurrencies on available today. Though there are many ways one could rank one token versus another, 99 Crypto displays this page based on Market Capitalization. By this, we mean to say that the top cryptocurrency here is not necessarily the fastest growing / increasing in value.

The information above is currently being pulled from Coin Market Cap