Filecoin Token Expected to Shake Up the Digital Currency Markets

A modern investigation of every day information, recommends the cost of the cryptocurrency will be above $100-a-share for the primary time. Here’s a rundown of why data suggest the pricing increase is imminent.


The creation of Filecoin has been expected for years, since it is being created and funded via a token offering. The tokens will be used to access the Filecoin blockchain’s various services, which are intended to make it easier for both consumers and businesses to complete transactions online. Tokens will be sold as a fund-raising mechanism to finance the file-sharing network. The tokens have the potential to be attractive to investors with money in cryptocurrencies.

From January, the tokens began to trade on cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing their value to be driven by investor sentiment rather than the actions of actual trades on the cryptocurrency market.

Current Financial State

In a report, Credit Suisse suggests cryptocurrency markets are primed for further gains. The investment bank says that increased demand for cryptocurrency assets and investor interest may stimulate the growth of the market. The data used to construct the financial outlook suggests that the growth in cryptocurrency prices will continue to drive the demand for cryptocurrencies, leading to more activity on the market and more financing from traditional investors.

Data Quality

The data on trading activity on cryptocurrency markets are difficult to analyze, with incomplete information resulting in inconsistent data on the performance of markets. Data shows that less than 1 percent of trading on cryptocurrency exchanges takes place between major exchanges. That lack of diversity means information that supports the market’s valuation may be skewed. Moreover, data shows less trading between cryptocurrency exchanges, which may lead to biases on price changes.

Data suggests that institutional investors are largely limited to the market operated by Coinbase, which is viewed as the largest exchange in the United States.

Analysis Done By CRXRS

The new data comes from the firm CRXRS, which is a market analysis firm that makes data packages available for purchase on cryptocurrency markets. CRXRS has performed a quarterly analysis of the data from the CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency exchange. The analysis suggests that the price of bitcoin is outpacing the performance of its closest competitor, Ethereum. The data suggests Ethereum may also be benefiting from an increase in the number of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, which may help to sustain its price.