EU Gathers Steam in Protecting Its Data Privacy and Sovereignty
On September 27, 2018, the European Union's Competitiveness Council had a meeting in Brussels in order to discuss supporting digitization of the continent in regards to AI. Since AI runs on data, the EU has to deal with American tech companies that control and exploit most of the data in Europe. Dr. Rand Hindi, along with 16 other executives, wrote a letter to the ministry of the council for an alternative plan on getting around monopolies and unfair business practices. Dr. Rand Hindi explained that there are ways to get around giving their data away. Some countries have already been working on ways to attract foreign investments as they relate to AI, data collection and privacy. The nation wants to initiate AI hubs. At the same time, French technology leaders have ignored the fact that Apple, Google and Facebook avoid paying taxes in the country. The failure of those firms to pay taxes means a loss of funds for innovation. Google's dominance extends past the USA into Europe. Google is where 77 percent of all internet searches are performed for European web users. Every second, 400,000 bits of information are collected from those users. According to AI specialist Cedric Vallani, this amounts to cybercolonization. If Europe is going to be competitive, it cannot be lax or open to foreign platforms taking all of its data. There have been a few steps forward. the GDPR allowed Europe to begin regulating privacy of data for individuals. It also allowed digital sovereignty from foreign tech oligarchies. Blockchain has advanced more in Europe than in the US, which could allow decentralized algorithms for AI on end-user devices. This process could stop an individual's data from being sent to the cloud and accessed by foreign companies. Blockchain also allows for peer-to-peer exchanges, and there are no fees that go back to the company. Local startups in Europe have to petition their governments in order to avoid monopolization by foreign tech giants. Their efforts could help with innovation and decentralization of technology.